A web app that can quickly be used to model and simulate climate changes based on green house gas emissions and other factors.
Earthquake Simulator
Flash based online earthquake simulator.
Edu Web Labs
Many earth science and browser based interactive simulations.
Earth science and environmental science interactive simulations and activities.
Eruptions, Earthquakes & Emissions
A web app that displays the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred worldwide since 1960.
Gizmos Online Interactive Exercises
Exercises from K-12 on many sciences including geology/Earth Sciences.
Model My Watershed
A online watershed modeling web app to model storm water runoff and water quality impact; analyze land use data; and compare different runoff scenarios.
Ocean Data Labs Exploration Tools
Free online interactive data visualizations using data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative.
PhET Interactive Simulations
Interactive simulations of diffusion and glaciers along with other physical/chemical phenomena.
Randy Russell Game Reviews
Reviews of and links to climate change/science games, simulations and exercises.
Remote Sensing Virtual Lab
Learning exercises and simulations related to remote sensing.
Seismic Explorer
Interactive world map showing all earthquake events across the world for the past 4 decades.
Visible Geology
Online program for structural geology classes to help visualize dips, faults and folds.
World-Wide Earthquake Locator
Interactive map of world-wide earthquake events.
ZirChron A Virtual Zircon Analysis App
An interactive web app showing how to analyze geological ages using Zircons.