The Topaz Tool

Topaz (An Earth Science Awards Tool)

Topaz is a tool to help Earth scientists discover awards, grants and scholarships in the Earth Sciences and to promote the nomination of amazing geoscientists who deserve recognition for their work.

The +400 awards of Topaz are presented in award boxes, like the one labeled below. Each award boxes contains information on the country of the award sponsor, and to whom the award is intended.

An image describing the components of an Earth Science Award

How do I use Topaz?

Select the type of award/fund/grant in the type box below and then filter by the following categories:


Filter awards by Earth Science discipline.


Filter awards by career stage (e.g. early/mid/late career researcher ECR, MCR, LSR).


Filter by awards for all gender/sexes or those only for women.


Filter by award nationality or residency requirements.


Filter by the country of the sponsor.


Filter awards by the maximum amount of years post-graduation.


Filter awards by maximum age limits.

For more questions, you can check out the Topaz FAQ